What a wonderful celebration it was! We are still bathing in the afterglow of it - the friendship, the aliveness of our chanting together, the beautiful memories you shared about Furnace Mountain and what it means to you. And of course the amazing dishes you brought and the conversations we had sitting on the teahouse porch.... Quite a number of guests didn't make it, unfortunately they were stuck in traffic - a major truck accident on the way to Furnace Mountain. We missed you in person, but you were with us in spirit, and hopefully we will get to celebrate again and together soon. By now life at Furnace Mountain is almost back to normal - the garden needs being tended to, basil needs to be harvested, weeds need to be pulled - the rhythm of life does not pause, and in the silence and beauty of this place we go back to our regular lives and continue with our efforts, as do you. Probably one of the most touching things that were said during our celebration was that Furnace Mountain is a place of "unmarked and unremarked compassion". May we each be that, with our life - an unfolding of unmarked and unremarked compassion - and may Furnace Mountain continue to be a place where we can remember that this is who we truly are. Thank you all for joining us yesterday. It was wonderful to share this day with you. May all beings benefit from us having celebrated this anniversary together. The Furnace Mountain Community
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